Monday, April 4, 2011

Pre Planning My Funeral

When you're young, you don't think much about death.  Since I've reached middle age, it becomes a larger issue.  Over last few years, I've put many hours of thought in planning my funeral.

My original plan was to have a little fun at the memorial services.  I talked with my son and he agreed to carry out my special request.  Our plan was during the services, a beautiful, mysterious woman would come in, sit in the back and weep silently.  She was to leave early as to give everyone an opportunity to guess who she was.

Unfortunately, my ideas was trumped by my Grand Father.  He passed away a couple years ago.  Different people were getting up and giving remembrances of him.  Halfway through the procession, a lady no one knew went up to the front of the church, choked back her tears and told everyone what a wonderful, beautiful person my Grand Father was.  Then, she left the church.

Who would have thought my own Grand Father would ruin my plan.

Okay.  I wasn't deterred.  I had a better idea:  A viking funeral.  

I already had a canoe.  I could make it a contest.  Everyone would stand at the edge of the Rio Grande as I lazily drifted towards Mexico.

It seems the New Mexico Parks Department does not like the idea for a variety of reasons.  So, that idea has been scrapped.

Did you know you can get custom caskets.  I thought about getting the following designs.

This idea was scrapped.  Does Gene Simmons need any more money?

The PBR casket was a good idea.  My problem is it will confuse people as to whether they are attending a Red Neck funeral of a Hipster funeral.

I have finally come up with a great funeral plan.  Down on 4th Street, you can get cremated for less than $600.00.  I can be the "Frugal Corpse."  

My final resting place will be at my cousin Vickie's house.  She cremates her deceased pets.  So, I want to sit on her mantle next to her dead dachshund, Shorty.  

In order to save money, I have already acquired my urn.

Then, Shorty and I can sit over Vickie as we enjoys The Jerry Springer Show.

1 comment:

  1. Those are interesting funeral scenarios. :) When I read other people’s funeral plans, I always see different things. Some like it grand, while some like it simple. Others want it to be a bit crazy. No matter what funeral plans we have, I think the common denominator is that we want it to be as light as possible to ease the burden of our loved ones.
